
When Is It Worth Giving Your Landscape A Total Makeover?

Redoing an entire landscape is a lot of work, and it can also get expensive. As such, it's pretty common for homeowners to make small changes here and there, as needed, instead of redoing their entire landscape at once. But there are times when a total landscape makeover really is a better option. Here are some of those situations. Your landscape is eroding. Erosion can be a real issue in areas where the soil is sandy or less stable.

Own A Commercial Property? Hire A Commercial Landscaping Service

If you own a commercial property, you need to keep it looking great. You want to make a good first impression on clients and customers. One way to do this is to hire a commercial landscaping service. Below are three services they can offer you.  Help You With Your Entrance You want your customers and clients to see a beautiful entrance when they drive onto your property. This gives them a good first impression and puts them in a better mood in many cases.

Planning With Purpose: Smart Design Tips To Get Your Landscape Off To A Great Start

When you are planning a landscape design, there are a lot of things you must consider in order to achieve the outcome you want. While having an attractive landscape is important, you also want a design that is practical and meets the needs of you and your family. Planning with a purpose will help you strike a healthy balance between aesthetic and practical landscaping elements. Is your budget realistic? Every good landscape plan begins with a realistic budget and the resolve to work within your means.

Why Are Your Sprinkler Heads Sputtering?

The installation of a sprinkler system is one of the best things you can do to support a healthy landscape and a pristine lawn. However, these water irrigation systems do not come without their fair share of problems. Most sprinkler systems will stand up to years of use without incidence, but one issue that can occur with a system of any age is sputtering.  Sprinkler sputtering is an issue that involves the head not dispersing water as it should.

Small Space, Big Impact: Tips For Designing A Beautiful Landscape In A Limited Space

Designing a beautiful landscape in a limited space can be a challenging task. However, with careful planning and strategic design choices, even the smallest outdoor space can have a big impact. Following are six tips for designing a beautiful landscape in a limited space. Maximize Vertical Space When dealing with limited horizontal space, maximizing vertical space can help you make the most of your outdoor area. Consider adding trellises or vertical gardens to create a lush and vibrant landscape.