Tips For Creating A Cozy Backyard Niche

One of the pleasures of having a yard is being able to lounge in the open air. Perhaps you have a patio or deck, but you want a space out in the yard itself. It's just a matter of transforming a corner of your backyard into a cozy niche. Landscape a pretty corner and add a few accents that will make it lounge-worthy.

Choose the Space

The first step in creating your cozy niche is to actually choose the space. You'll want some shade. So, if you have a moderately shady corner, that's a good place to start. However, you can also choose an area where you don't mind planting a tree or bush. Likewise, consider your view from the area. Even if you dream about burying your nose in a book, you'll want to look up at the vista in front of you. Therefore, choose an area that looks over a nice part of your yard or neighborhood.

Landscape with Pretty Flowers

In that vein, choose some pretty flowers that you'll enjoy looking at. You could create a planting bed in view of the niche for when you look around. Additionally, consider dressing up the niche itself with flowers. If you've chosen a shady spot, make sure the flowers don't need full sun. Begonia, larkspur, impatiens and fuchsia are all pretty, shade-tolerant flowers.

Plant for Fragrance

One way to make your corner feel especially cozy is to landscape so you're surrounded in fragrance. If you have a favorite scented flower, then plant this nearby. You could also plant an herb garden nearby for fragrance. Another option is covering the ground with hardy thyme, which releases scent when you step on it. Some common fragrant plants include lilac, honeysuckle and mock orange. Likewise, according to Country Living, the following plants are especially fragrant:

  • Dianthus
  • Rose
  • Phlox
  • Sweet Alyssum
  • Peony

Choose an area where you can reach out and brush the plant to release its fragrance. If choosing a particularly fragrant flower, ensure the plant is far enough away to avoid overpowering your niche. Likewise, make sure you adhere to the plant's favored growing conditions when choosing a spot.

Add Yard Accents

Once you've finished landscaping your yard, it's time to add the some accents. Naturally, the first installation should be a comfortable bench or chair. Look for one that's weather-proof so you don't have to keep hauling it inside. Additionally, add a table for setting a drink or your book on. Finally, consider placing a fountain nearby. The soothing sound of water music will help you disconnect from the rest of the world while you're lounging.

Landscape an area of your yard into a cozy, lounge-worthy niche.

For more information, talk to companies like Powers Landscape & Irrigation.
